I’ve realized something in my 40ish years of living on this earth…and that is, the more I learn—the less I know. I consider myself to be one smart mama (most days anyway), yet, with all the knowledge and wisdom and experience I’ve gathered in this gloriously messy and tragically beautiful life, I’ve found there is just SO. MUCH. MORE. to discover!
But just because there are an infinite amount of things I don’t know, that doesn’t mean I haven’t learned A LOT! And holy guacamole, do I absolutely LOVE to share those thoughts, lessons, and perspectives with others!
You see, something magical happens when you accept how little you know while staying open to how much more there is to learn. That foggy, confused feeling of questioning who you are, and what the heck you’re meant to be doing in this life, evaporates. Not all at once of course, but here a little, and there a little—until one day you catch yourself smiling for no reason, or remaining perfectly calm during a difficult situation, or maybe being overcome with a surge of love for someone once deemed unlovable.
It’s in this higher level of being that peace comes. That same peace that Christ, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Buddha all preached and practiced. That peace that passes all understanding, and instills this surety deep within that everything is truly going to be ok…
No. Scratch that.
It won’t be ok—It’ll be unimaginably perfect. The bitter and bland experiences we face (and have faced) will take on a whole new flavor, one that’s easy to swallow, easy to share, and easy to find gratitude for.
This is a process that leads to what I called being Salted.
Throughout my life, I’ve endured countless experiences—big and small—that could’ve (and probably should’ve) set me down darker, more destructive paths. From childhood sexual abuse, to watching addictions destroy loved ones, to battling an incurable form of leukemia, and eventually burying my only brother, all these things and many more have had a profound impact of who I’m becoming. And as much as I don’t ever want to repeat those things, I also wouldn’t change them if it meant losing the lessons each one taught me. They all hold a special place in my heart and mind, and in a way, they’re all responsible in part for this blog.
So, where’s that leaves us with this bio?
Well, I guess I just want you to know first where I’m coming from. While I did endure an immense amount of pain, struggle, unfairness, and plain out suckiness, and spent years in that fog of unsurety about who I was supposed to be, my life has always been laced with beauty and direction.
Regardless of what I faced, I’ve always had a very big, very powerful God by my side. Somehow, I’ve always had this innate sense that there’s more to me, and more to life, and more to becoming, than just what I was currently experiencing.
Now, after years of studying, praying, listening, learning, repenting, forgiving, and searching for truth, light, and knowledge, I’m committing to finally do what I’ve felt prompted to do for far too long.
I hope this blog will, at the very least, entertain you. But, if you’re like me, and you’re really ready to discover just how much you DON’T know, and how much more there’s left to learn, maybe this blog will educate, enlighten, and empower you. Maybe…just maybe, it’ll leave you SALTED.
If Pessimism and Punctuality had a baby, it would NOT be me! Rather, I’m the love child of “Shiny Syndrome” and Ish-O’clock (meaning, I’ll be there at 5-ish, 10-ish, noon-ish). My talent for being fashionably late has me convinced that my ghost will find a way to sabotage my hearse just so I can be the last to arrive at my own funeral! Thankfully, that talent does NOT affect my preparedness though, as pressure, in my case, produces diamonds. As a mom to 3 kiddos and 4 pets, a wife, and a career chameleon, I actively seek to do good and have good in my life, and often have way too many stokes in the fire. I have a background in cosmetology, real estate, all things admin related, grief facilitating, and more MLMs than you can fathom! Currently, I work as a DSP Coordinator (essentially matchmaking in-home caregivers with disabled clients), co-host the podcast Latter-Day Lights, am finishing my first book, and offer book coaching. I love words in all forms and fill my life with them however, and whenever, I can (even though my kiddos and husband think I use them too much!).